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3 things that social recruiting can do that job boards can’t
recruiter typing on laptop and sorting through candidates, animated

Before we dive in, we aren’t saying that job boards aren’t a valuable resource–they are. What we are saying is there are just some things that job boards can’t do that social recruiting can.

So, what are these three things you ask? Let’s get into it!

1. Reach passive candidates

If you’re in talent acquisition, you know that passive candidates are often the top performers in their company and field who are not actively seeking new employment but are open to the right opportunity—if and when it comes along.

The problem is these in-demand passive talents likely don’t spend any time on job boards because they’re not actively in the market for a new job. Unlike active job seekers, passive candidates have the luxury to stay at their current company and wait to be approached by, or to stumble upon, an employer-of-choice. So while passive job seekers are not on job boards, they are online—and they’re spending most of their time on social media.

So, if you are only investing in job boards, you’re missing out on some of the best talent! Why? Because, unlike job boards that serve primarily active job seekers, social media platforms are the online destination for all candidates–passive and active talent–and really, social networks are amongst the most visited sites of all internet users.

2. Add a human touch

Job board users can’t follow a brand’s page and see updates from that brand on a news feed like they can on social. They also can’t like, share, or engage with them on a platform where other candidates’ peers visit daily. In turn, job board users can’t discover your job opportunities and your brand through their peers’ likes, shares, and engagement.

Social media gives talent acquisition teams the opportunity to reap the benefits of the networking effect. By systematically delivering share-worthy content on your recruiters’ and employees’ social channels, you help bring employees—and their extended peer network—closer to your brand with every like, share, comment, and follow. Each moment of engagement gets more eyes on your jobs, more applicants in the pipe, and more time back to your recruiters.

Simply put, job boards lack the authenticity and personalization that candidates want. Think of social recruiting as employee referrals, but at a much larger scale. This approach can build stronger relationships and foster more interest from candidates who may not have considered a job posting on a job board. 

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3. Help increase candidate quality

Job boards are where active job seekers go when they’re hours, or even minutes, away from clicking “apply”. They are often incentivized to apply to as many jobs as possible with easy one-click-apply processes job boards have designed. This characteristic of job boards is the reason why they drive a high volume of applicants, but applicants who are on average unqualified or less qualified than applicants sourced through other channels.

On the other hand, social recruiting helps you organically build your employer brand awareness, reputation and loyalty in a way that job boards can’t–by combining your employer brand and job content all in one place. This approach can help you attract candidates who are a better fit for the company culture and values.

Job boards or and social recruiting

The more you look at the differences between using job boards and social media to hire talent, the more you realize the relationship isn’t competitive–it’s complementary. You need to invest in job boards and social recruiting to ensure you are reaching the best active and passive candidates. 

Job boards are the short-term investment that helps convert the high-intent low-hanging fruit in the talent pool—active job seekers. Social recruiting is an investment in your long-term, organic, active and passive candidate strategy that builds exponential brand and hiring ROI and a growing candidate pipeline over time.

By the way, CareerArc can automate your social recruiting strategy.

The only social recruiting platform built for talent acquisition teams

CareerArc turns social media into your recruiting engine. By activating your two most influential recruiting resources—your employer brand and your employee networks—CareerArc quickly scales your recruiting reach through automation so you attract more qualified candidates for any, and every, role.

Finally reach the top candidates you’ve been missing—faster, more efficiently, and more easily than ever before.


CareerArc auto-syncs with your ATS inventory to connect your jobs with multiple social media platforms via our all-in-one social recruiting dashboard. Always be up-to-date without lifting a finger!


Our engine intelligently matches your content and graphics with related jobs to create high-quality, attention-grabbing posts at scale with minimal effort. Say goodbye to manual social media post creation!


Reach more candidates with automated posting to unlimited company, recruiter, and employee social media profiles. Recruiting on autopilot? I’m in. Sit back, relax and watch your candidates flow in!

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